China’s engagement in the global nuclear weapons order since 1964, è il tema del prossimo incontro di ThinkINChina.
Il 31 maggio, solito posto, il Bridge Cafè, e solita raccomandazione: Arrivate puntuali, anche un po’ prima delle 7, per trovare un posto comodo.
Di seguito la scheda del relatore e alcuni suggerimenti bibliografici per arrivare preparati.
Nicola Horsburgh is a third year doctoral candidate and British Inter-university Chinese Centre (BICC) student in the Department of International Relations at the University of Oxford, St. Antony’s College, supervised by Professor Foot. Her research explores Chinese engagement in the global nuclear order since 1949. Between 2003 and 2006, Horsburgh was a research fellow at King’s College London, working on nuclear nonproliferation in Northeast Asia.
During this period she also worked with Professor Javier Jordan of the University of Granada on jihadist terrorism in Spain. Horsburgh holds a BSc Econ (Hons) in International Politics and Strategic Studies from the University of Aberystwyth, an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and an MPhil in Modern Chinese Studies from the University of Oxford. She has also studied at the University of Southern California and Beijing University. In 2010, she was a visiting fellow at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, California.
For academic year 2010–2011, she is based as a senior visiting scholar hosted by Professor Li Bin at the Arms Control Program at Tsinghua University in Beijing.